Our Staff
For the school director Maria Elena Crotti, Alice Parco dei Bimbi is the realization of a dream, not only her job: after about thirty years of experience, seminars, conferences and updates in various provinces of Italy (such as Trento, Florence, Parma, Reggio Emilia and Ancona) her dedication to the little ones is realized in creating an environment as favorable as possible to accompany children in their growth.
Alice Parco dei Bimbi's Staff is made up entirely of highly qualified staff who love children and whose goal is to enhance the diversity of the individual.
Every day, during the activities for which they are responsible, the educators focus on the peculiarities of the child, who can benefit from a path shaped by his needs and an affective relationship of mutual enrichment.

Insegnante di sezione
4-5 anni
e psicomotricista

Insegnante di arti visive
e digitali

Insegnante di sezione
2-3 anni

Laboratorio musicale in lingua
inglese e propedeutica al

Coordinatrice degli insegnamenti in lingua inglese, insegnante in lingua inglese ed esaminatrice Cambridge

Insegnante in lingua